When you feel like your lost in the storm
When you feel like your lost in the storm

When the paramedics started taking my vitals, I attempted to explain that my eyes felt crossed, but I could hardly speak. By the time the police and ambulance crew arrived, I was holding onto our bedframe for dear life. And with any movement, no matter how slight, the spinning feeling became more intense. I felt a pulling sensation to the right, but it was as though my body wanted to stay left. I was thinking about my son the entire time and hoping that I would make it out of this alive. When I knew that my son was not at my side, I told my husband that this had to be death, and to tell everyone I love them, as I was convinced I was having a horrible seizure that would kill me. There was a very loud whooshing sound in my ear, and my 10-year-old son was standing next to me, witnessing everything. It felt like an out-of-body experience that I was watching from above my head. I did not have any pain at all, except for that one “lightning strike” at the beginning.

when you feel like your lost in the storm

If I attempted to let the tiniest amount of light in, I would catch a glimpse of the spinning and start vomiting violently. Spinning at 1,000,000 miles per hour while not being able to focus.

when you feel like your lost in the storm when you feel like your lost in the storm

It’s hard to put my experience into words, but if anyone remembers what the teacup ride at an amusement park is like, just imagine being on one of those. I immediately grabbed my husband and screamed, “I’m dying, call 911.” I experienced a horrible, surging pain and sat up. on Sunday February 25, 2018, when I felt as though I was struck in the head by lightning. Share on Pinterest Design by Medical News Today photograph courtesy Tracy Lyn Lomagno

When you feel like your lost in the storm